Diving into Demographics

Turn your trade area into a heat map to quickly isolate the best demographic areas.

Tao Zhou avatar
Written by Tao Zhou
Updated over a week ago

To analyze demographics in more detail you can turn on the layer by navigating to the settings page or by selecting โ€œbโ€ for block groups. Then click on the blue polygon to engage the heat map.

What you are looking at now are each of the demographic block groups as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. You can analyze each block group by scrolling over it and referring to the table on the right. The heat map functionality allows you to select a specific metric in the top left to understand the distribution of demographics within your trade area. For example, select population growth to see which area is growing the fastest.

Our demographic data comes from the American Community Survey which can be referenced by the following link https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/. The current dataset is for the year 2017, we will be updating to the 2018 dataset in November.

To upgrade to ESRI current year demographics with 5 year projections reach out to a Radius team member by using the chat in the bottom right.

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