Navigate the radius map by searching an address or simply zooming in on the map.
Address Search
Start typing in your desired address and select it from the drop down
Hitting enter will select the first address in the drop down
The platform will take you to the address and populate the default 3 mile trade area
Zoom on the Map
Zoom in anywhere in the country by using the scroll on your mouse or by using the +/- keys on your keyboard
Once you have zoomed in, hold down shift and click where you would like to set your default 3 mile trade area
Saved Locations
Once you have selected your desired address, you can click on the + icon in the Saved Location section to add it to your list of addresses you want to re visit. Click on the right arrow icon to navigate to your address's location. You can also delete a saved address by clicking on the "X" icon. You can also name your Saved Locations, just click "Untitled," put the name you want and hit Enter on your keyboard to save it.
Previous Locations
All searches and shift clicks on the map are tracked in your previous location section. You can simply re visit these locations by clicking on the right arrow icon.
Note: Now that you have navigated to your desired location, you are ready to move on to Setting Your Trade Area.