We welcome all data on our Radius platform, if you see a development project or existing facility missing from our map. Submit a facility by following the instructions below:
Click on "Add a Facility" on the left hand side of the page
This window will pop up, fill out the information the best you can
Fields with the asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and must be filled out if you want to submit the request
You can also add reference documents and facility notes (not shown in the screenshot provided above) on the bottom
Click submit on the bottom of the page once you have filled everything out
The more information you provide like construction documents, permit approval, images or background information, the more credits you can earn (please reach out to us for more credits if you add additional documents). It also makes it easier for us to verify that this is a real facility/development project.ย
Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email that we received your entry, and another confirmation email that credits have been applied to your account after our team has reviewed.ย
Note: Please give us at least 24 hours to review any submissions.